18 Years of Excellence

Formerly Known as 'MITCON Institute of Management, Pune'



are committed to nurturing professional excellence

design & deliver industry-oriented curriculum

practice active & immersive learning

conduct pre-placement finishing school

develop our extensive network in three dimensions

assist every student to tap placement opportunity

provide fast-track career growth

have an impressive & extensive alumni network

lead-empower-adapt-perform for the betterment

celebrate diversity & practice inclusion

are committed to nurturing professional excellence

implement a quality excellence framework


on building students' competence

is to make student perfect industry-fit by the time he completes our program

on project-based & case-oriented learning to develop better thinking

on Personality devolopment program professional competence development

on industry connect, three-dimension strategy i.e. goal-breadth-depth

on assisting every student to get a rewarding job

on skill-based, job oriented certification program

on staying connected with our alumni brand ambassadors

on giving back to society and contributing to UN-17 Sustainability Goals

on recognizing the unique personality of each individual, harnessing diverse strengths & celebrate everyone's success

to deliver value to our stakeholders

Alumni Across the Globe
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Corporate Visitors
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Placements (Summer and Final) since inception
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