Admissions Open


  • Decode your behaviour patterns
  • Build instant rapport
  • Overcome your limiting beliefs
  • Gain clarity over confusion
  • Better health, wealth & relationship
  • Scientific Goal setting & achievement

What will you learn in NLP Practitioner Certification Program?

What Is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the science of modeling the patterns of human behaviour. NLP explores the inner workings of the human mind: how we think, how we develop our desires, goals and fears, and how we motivate ourselves, make connections, and give meaning to our experiences. It is the art and science of personal excellence, derived from studying how top people in different fields obtain their outstanding results.

Different ways NLP can benefit you.

Start your practice as a Life Coach, Business Coach, Sports Coach. Help people, solve their problems & earn reputation & money. You can easily charge handsomely for your coaching session based on the type of problem you are solving.

Start your business in the Training industry which is worth $350B. Develop training programs based on your niche like some of our past participants have done, NLP for Sports, NLP for Kids, NLP for Sales, NLP for Entrepreneurs etc. Moving ahead by acquiring required qualification as NLP Trainer you can offer NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner Certifications as well.

A professional qualification as NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner is recognized in many organizations in India & abroad. You can apply NLP techniques for better performance of your team, being a better communicator, employee retention, problem solving, resolving conflicts & truly out of the box thinker.

NLP provides vital skills for Counsellors & Psychotherapist to deal with their clients. Some counsellors who attended our trainings reported that they can deal with their clients effectively & can give better results in short amount of time. Some are even charging up to 10K for a session.

Previous salespeople taking our NLP courses have reported doubling their income by using these NLP techniques in their sales process. They mainly focus on rapport building, state creation & on communication models.

Teachers and Lecturers, who are contributing in building the nation being in noble profession reported that applying NLP skills in their classrooms resulted in accelerated learning, longer knowledge retention and improved learner attention of students.

97% of our past participants agreed that their life truly transformed after learning NLP. Many limiting beliefs in their life got converted to unlimited possibilities, many could heal their health issues, some relationships on the verge of breaking down got re-aligned, many participants

NLP Practitioner Certification Program Contents

  • Presuppositions of NLP
  • Rapport building
  • Pacing and Leading
  • Calibration
  • Representational systems
  • Meta-Model
  • Milton-Model
  • Elicitation of well-formed, ecological outcomes
  • Eye accessing cues
  • Metaphor
  • NLP Frames
  • Anchoring (VAK)
  • Anchoring Techniques
  • Ability to shift consciousness
  • Dissociation and Association
  • Chunking
  • Sub Modalities
  • Verbal and non-verbal elicitation of responses
  • Accessing and building of resources
  • Reframing
  • Strategies
  • Demonstration of behavioral flexibility
  • And many more….

Your Trainer

Dr. Yogesh started his journey as a HR Professional later joined B school as a Professor & became India’s youngest Certified NLP Trainer from The American board of NLP. He is passionate about helping people & curious about human upliftment & growth.

Who Should Attend?

The NLP Practitioner certification course is ideally suited for individuals across various professional backgrounds and personal aspirations. If you fall into any of the following categories, you are most welcome to do the course

  • HR professional
  • Leaders & Managers
  • Sales Professional
  • Counsellors or Therapist
  • Individual Seeking Personal Growth

Course Features

1. Get certification from the world’s largest & most prestigious organization – The American Board of NLP (ABNLP)

2. Handholding during your journey for a lifetime

3. Avail all the benefits at a highly concessional price as it is in collaboration with an educational institute

4. Trainer’s credentials

5. NLP Practitioner Manual for your future reference

6. You can attend any future certification program for free (by only paying venue charges)


Why offline course than online mode ?

Offline mode of learning NLP will offer the following advantages:

  1. Face to face interaction
  2. During the training we work on a lot of emotions, beliefs, eye moments, body language etc which is far more effective in offline mode
  3. During offline mode you will have an accountability partner on whom you will practice the techniques learned & validate the learnings & effectiveness of techniques
  4. While doing activities the trainer can give you immediate feedback
  5. It is also our experience that in offline training lot of learning happens even during tea/lunch breaks through informal Q&A sessions by different participants
  6. Networking opportunities with like-minded people
  7. Most importantly, it is as per the guidelines of The American Board of NLP that the training should be conducted in an offline mode

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